The essential guide for mentors working in any setting
By Stephanie George
As one of the UK’s leading practitioners in mentoring and a popular trainer on the topic, Stephanie George shares her vast experience in this practical resource book for learning mentors, intervention workers, behaviour mentors and pastoral support teams. Whether used within a school, pupil or student referral unit, exclusion/inclusion unit or any other educational establishment the resources in this toolkit will ultimately help improve progress and attainment.
The Mentoring Toolkit includes a step-by-step guide to the process of mentoring and covers identification of students, resources for intervention, monitoring, assessment and evaluation.
The chapters are:
- Introduction
- How to Use This Book
- The Mentoring Process
- Mentoring Policy, Protocols, Permissions and Agreements
- Identification of Barriers to Progress and Learning
- Question and Discussion Prompts Resources and Strategy Banks
- Assessments and Reassessments
- Action Plans, Target Setting, Monitoring and Review
- Daily Evidence Records
- Evaluation, Exit Resources and Feedback
- References and Bibliography
- Index of Forms
The invaluable content of this book includes:
- Practical steps for intervention from start to finish
- Flow charts to guide you through the process of intervention
- A model learning mentor intervention policy
- Identification of students – includes the process of identification and resources to help identify students who would benefit from mentoring
- Thought boxes to help students identify barriers to progress and learning inside and outside the classroom, at home and with friends
- Question and discussion prompts about relating to others and managing angry feelings, stress, pressure and anxiety, attendance, anti-bullying along with strategy banks of ideas for dealing with these issues
- Intervention in action – includes resources for monitoring the intervention
- Assessing and reassessing the impact of intervention through feedback from the student as well as subject teachers
- A Student Monitoring and Review Workbook to be given to each student to track the activities undertaken and progress made – completed by both student and staff
- Daily appointment record forms for staff and students
- Termly review and feedback forms for staff and students
The documents show the pathway for mentoring so that it can be clearly evidenced to the school, organisation, leadership teams, stakeholders and Ofsted.
Practitioners can use these resources for all forms of intervention: one-to-one, workshop or large group. The resources can also be used with the AQA Unit Award Qualification – Progress and Review with a Learning Mentor.

- ISBN: 978-1-909380-95-0
- Format: A4 Book
- Length: 110 pages
- Age Range: 11-18
- Photocopiable
- In Stock
Price: $55.00
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