A Complete New Games Package
There are cooperative games with a lot of activity contained on this DVD, perfect for getting fit and keeping one’s weight down without the boredom of exercise! Regular participation in the games has kept the weight of the producer of this DVD in check, for one. Many developmental skills such as throwing, catching, and running are enhanced. However, it must be pointed out that the games are fun – that’s why we do them. In fact, that’s the main reason for doing them, even though there are ample additional benefits derived from participating in the games.
Resources for Teachers and Group Leaders
Teachers and group leaders will be glad to know that there are printable games descriptions and skill guides provided for every game, in PDF format. Almost every skill anyone can think of is covered in one or (usually many) more of these cooperative games. This includes basic learning skills such as listening, concentration, and following directions, but extends to math, English, and environmental awareness. Social skills such as team building, inclusion, and cooperation are reinforced. The games enhance creative thinking and expression. Also, most usefully, there is a PDF guide with suggestions on how to lead and adapt the games.
Cooperative Games Shown in Practice
A variety of people are shown doing the games: adults, teens, children, and both girls and boys. Anyone can join since, even in games where there is competition, winning is not the most important part of the game. Being able to join and have fun are the key elements of the games. We don’t have to suffer the extremes of competition.
Watch a Sample Clip

- Format: 2 DVDs
- Running Time: 270 min. (123 games)
- Limited Offer – Free Shipping
- In Stock

- Format: Download
- Running Time: 270 min. (123 games)
- In Stock
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