Updated Edition
The Best New Games, Updated Edition, includes a number of additions and improvements, including:
- A new DVD which offers footage of 15 games in action to help you quickly understand how to play and present New Games.
- An expanded discussion of how to use the activities in the book. To help you identify the games appropriate for your group and your unique needs.
- For teachers, a new section details how New Games can fulfill educational and physical activity standards. Plus, ideas and suggestions for incorporating New Games into lesson plans.
- An easier-to-use format and a game finder to help you take the stress out of planning play sessions.
- An at-a-glance listing of all games organized by activity level, when to play, number of players, special space and equipment needed, social purposes, and skills needed and developed.
Uses and Benefits
This resource is rich with activity ideas for classroom and physical education teachers as well as group leaders in settings such as scout troops, youth groups, college orientations, retirement and senior centers, day care centers, park district programs, and business conferences and meetings.
Some of the uses and benefits include:
- Allowing everyone to succeed in physical activity and learn cooperation.
- Safely lead 77 of the best New Games and 7 trust exercises.
- Use the game finder to easily identify appropriate games for schools, recreation centers, churches, senior centers, business meetings, and other groups.
- Use New Games to meet educational and physical activity standards in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.
Give your students and group members a new way to be physically and mentally active, regardless of age, size, sex, or ability. By focusing on the fun of play, Best New Games, Updated Edition, can help you pave the way to better teamwork, cooperation, and trust both in and out of the classroom.

- Publisher: Human Kinetics
- Pages: 256
- In Stock
Reviews and Testimonials for Best New Games
Very creative and practical for a wide range of ages. …I think it will come in useful for parties and group children’s activities.
Niki (Goodreads on Google)
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