About New Games

Since the early 1970s, proponents of the New Games movement have been using interactive cooperative games to bring diverse groups of people together. The games sometimes include competition, but where participants play together rather than against one another. And there’s also much, much more to New Games…
About Dale Le Fevre

Dale has traveled around the globe presenting New Games workshops and events, writing books about them, and producing DVDs which people can use to start their own New Games programs. He has worked extensively across the US, Canada and Europe, and also in India, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Read more about Dale’s passionate life long work…
New Games Benefits

New Games are excellent ways to address a whole range of issues ranging from obesity and fitness to coordination and motor skills, from bullying to mental and physical health…
New Games Research

Over a 6 month period – from September 2009 to March 2010 – the Sheffield Hallam University conducted a study with Dale LeFevre to ascertain the impact that New Games may have on children’s learning and behaviour at school. The points here are a brief summary of the concluding report, as provided by Sheffield Hallam University.
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